Indian Monsoon Malabar Decaf

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The origination of Indian Monsoon Malabar coffee dates back to the era when wooden ships loaded with raw coffee beans would take up to 6 months to travel from India to Europe, sailing around the Cape of Good Hope. During the months that the coffee beans were transported at sea, the humidity and ocean winds combined to cause the coffee to change from its fresh green color to a more aged, pale yellow hue. Upon their arrival in Europe, the coffee beans were found to have a unique mellowness, soft and smooth tasting throughout the cup, so that the coffee became an instant hit with Europeans, paving the way for the birth of a new coffee type. Today these conditions are replicated in warehouses during the Indian monsoon season so that the coffee beans, exposed to constant humid conditions, undergo the same characteristic changes in size, texture, appearance and in the cup.

Please note: all of our decaf coffees are naturally decaffeinated using water processing, entirely avoiding chemical decaffeination.

Roast: City
Body: Low
Acidity: Low

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Steve Crozier
Decaf = deflavored

I was so excited to find this decaf version of Indian Monsooned Malabar that I used to love when I drank caffeinated coffee, but I'm afraid the decaf process really does no favors to this bean. Quite disappointing.

When in Rome

Years ago I had the privilege of being invited to dinner at the owner of Speeder & Earls. Naturally, I was interested to find out which coffee they drink at home. For this particular meal, it was Indian Monsoon Malabar, which I had not had before, and it was wonderful. I have not looked back since then - Indian Monsoon Malabar is, and has been, my reliable go-to, and Speeder & Earls has never let me down with consistent high quality roasted coffee.

Good quality of rare coffee

Hard to find Monsoo. Malabar coffee in decaf. Thanks for stocking it!

Sally G.

Was excited to find this coffee variety as my source was for years from a different company , now has difficulty finding it at this time and they’ve been out of stock… To be honest, it took quite a bit of me calling back several times to get information from Speeders and Earl, but, when I finally did, they were very nice though!
What I found was the coffee did not have the flavor notes of the chocolatey , rich , flavor that I got from the other company from the same coffee that was called decaf Indian monsoon Malabar ….and to be honest was disappointed because I was hoping to find another source.

Steve Forcucci
Monsoon Malabar Decaf - a bit sour and stale honestly

I buy Indian Monsoon Malabar Decaf often from a different vendor in PA - and it was always amazing. It was not available there so I tried this from S and E, and frankly my wife won't drink it, and neither will I - and she's not even a coffee snob. I tried S and E's espresso blend a few years ago and that was terrible too. I did email them about the quality of this last decaf order, no response, so meh, no more business for these guys.